We, the lawyers of Alexander Morrison + Fehr, LLP, have dedicated our professional lives to ending discrimination. We are appalled and dismayed that the Supreme Court of the United States has failed to stand up to bigotry and racism perpetrated and encouraged by the current occupant of the White House. The decision in Trump v. Hawaii, permitting the United States to ban citizens from predominately Muslim countries, will be a permanent shameful stain on the Court and on our country. It stands with the Dred Scott decision which authorized state ordered racial segregation, and Korematsu, which upheld forced relocation and detention of citizens of Japanese origin. It constitutes a blow to basic dignity and human rights. We join in the dissent of Justice Sotomayor, and we share the outrage at the majority of the Supreme Court putting its stamp of approval on blatant racism. Ultimately, the judgment of history will find our current regime and a majority of the current Supreme Court to be morally bankrupt and to have failed our fellow human beings in their time of greatest need. In the weeks and months ahead, we at Alexander Morrison + Fehr, LLP will redouble our efforts to bring an end to discrimination and bigotry.