New Fast Food Bill May Curb Wage Theft in California

California legislators have been implementing many worker-friendly bills over the past several years. The newest potential win for California employees is Assembly Bill 257 (AB 257). This bill would significantly expand workers’ rights in the fast food industry by regulating the industry more carefully. One of the most valuable changes the bill might make would […]
Can Your Employer Bar You From Talking About Your Pay?

It’s natural to be curious about what your coworkers earn or to be proud about the raise you just got. However, some employers may try to keep you from talking about your pay with your colleagues. Why? Because it’s the simplest way for you to find out that about unfair or even illegal pay practices. […]
What is substantially similar work under the Fair Pay Act?
Whether a situation violates the California Fair Pay Act hinges on whether you and a counterpart do substantially similar work. According to the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, the Fair Pay Act requires that workers doing substantially similar work receive the same pay. You may have a claim if you feel your pay […]
Understanding equal pay parameters
Most people who are employed today have come into the workforce after the 1963 enactment of the Equal Pay Act and may therefore assume that the spirit of this law is well understood and practiced by all employers. Unfortunately, this may not always be the case. It is, therefore, important that every employee have a […]
Comparing pay stubs and personal records can help spot wage theft
Getting paid is something that most people find the most appealing about their jobs. They may count their hours, add up paychecks that are on the way and think about what they will spend their earnings on. Of course, some workers can be taken aback if the checks that they receive and what they anticipated […]
Race should have nothing to do with equal pay and compensation
Wanting to get paid fairly for one’s work is understandable. Unfortunately, even in today’s world, where more women than ever are entering the workforce, they still are making less than men. According to a recently published article, Latinas, in particular, are severely affected. What can this population in California do to help themselves receive equal […]